7 Questions You Don’t Need to Ask a Crowdfunding Agency on a Sales Call

7 Questions You Don’t Need to Ask a Crowdfunding Agency on a Sales Call

Running a crowdfunding campaign can be overwhelming—that’s why many project creators hire a crowdfunding agency for their expertise. During the vetting process, it’s paramount to not only ask good questions but also avoid bad ones. While there’s no such thing as a stupid question, many can be futile at the beginning, which wastes time and energy on a sales call.

Coronavirus and Crowdfunding: Digging into the Data

Coronavirus and Crowdfunding: Digging into the Data

Entrepreneurs all face uncertainty. It comes with the territory of bringing something new into existence. But as the coronavirus has swept the globe, it can feel like uncertainty is at an all-time high due to closed manufacturing facilities and unstable stock markets. Even as COVID-19 led governments to issue stay-at-home orders around the world, innovators continue to create new ideas and inch their way toward launching them.
