How to Accrue Repeat Customers on Amazon

How to Accrue Repeat Customers on Amazon

One of the more elusive accomplishments when it comes to selling on Amazon revolves around earning repeat customers. From understanding how to attract recurring customers, to accurately measuring the efficacy of your Amazon marketing efforts, attracting these high-quality customers is an aspect of selling on Amazon that is still shrouded in mystery for a few reasons.

Why Your Amazon Product Packaging is Important

Why Your Amazon Product Packaging is Important

In addition to influencing your bottom line from a customer retention and repeat customer standpoint, your packaging can also directly financially influence your bottom line. When creating your packaging, you also need to understand FBA fees if you’re not shipping your Amazon products on your own. The size of your packaging and product could influence if you’re paying $1 or $3 for Amazon to store your product. In this example, a savings of $2 per product could vastly help or hurt your profit margins.
