6 Social Media Tips for your Crowdfunding Campaign


Since Enventys Partners’ first crowdfunding campaign in 2011, the crowdfunding world has become inundated with startups. As the first crowdfunding agency in history, we’ve watched the number of projects continue to grow, making it more and more difficu …

Since Enventys Partners’ first crowdfunding campaign in 2011, the crowdfunding world has become inundated with startups. As the first crowdfunding agency in history, we’ve watched the number of projects continue to grow, making it more and more difficult to get your crowdfunding campaign noticed. While one of the best ways to gain awareness is through public relations, we also recommend using social media marketing to drive traffic to your crowdfunding and is a key to success.

Here at Enventys Partners, our experience has proven that with crowdfunding marketing, quality is greater than quantity, so we suggest focusing on Facebook and Twitter for your startup’s crowdfunding campaign. While there are many other worthwhile social networks out there, we’ve found that these two are the most successful in driving traffic to the campaign page. Also, they reach a relevant and large audience that is most likely to convert into backers. Below are some of our social media tactics we implement for our clients’ crowdfunding campaigns.

Crowdfunding Pre-Launch Social Media Tips

  1. Completed Profiles – While we focus on Facebook and Twitter, it’s important to claim all the top social networks with your startup’s name. By making sure your brand is protected, you can ensure no one will use these networks to damage your online identity. Once you have secured these social networks, you need to present a completed image. This means having high quality assets for your profile picture, a branded cover/header photo, finished “about” sections and website links that announce to fans that you are Kickstarter/Indiegogo-bound.
  2. Landing Page – To help build your startup’s audience, having an email list is a key component for a successful campaign. By creating either a landing page on your website or through another landing page service (such as KickoffLabs), it is important to have a place to drive your social media traffic. As you collect email addresses, these serve as qualified leads that will turn into supporters for your crowdfunding campaign.
  3. Facebook Ads – Unfortunately, organic reach on Facebook is slowly diminishing, making ads a necessity – especially for building a startup from the ground. By using targeted ads to build your Facebook audience and drive traffic to enter their emails on the landing page, you’ll increase your reach tenfold. Your reach is key to gaining awareness for your upcoming campaign, so Facebook ads are a must.

Crowdfunding Launch Social Media Tips

  1. Drive Traffic to your Crowdfunding Project – Once your Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign is live, it is important to post daily with calls-to-action that drive your audience to your campaign page. Also, now that your campaign is live, all of your targeted Facebook ads and promoted posts need to drive people to your Kickstarter/Indiegogo page.
  2. Hashtags – Twitter provides a great way to increase your reach and gain awareness for your project. One of the best ways to do that is by using relevant and popular crowdfunding hashtags to put your project in front of the right audience that is likely to back your campaign. Here are some of our favorites:
    1. #crowdfunding, #crowdfundmonday, #kickstarter, #indiegogo, #startup, #invest, #supportindiefilm and more relevant/specific hashtags for your project’s campaign category.
  3. Reach Out – After you’ve launched your campaign, social media lends itself as a great tool for spreading word, gaining awareness and promoting your crowdfunding project. We highly recommend tweeting out to crowdfunding influencers as well as popular accounts that are in your niche. Here is a list of our favorite crowdfunding people to reach out to:
    1. @_ayudos, @kickstartforum, @crowdfundexper1, @KSStandard, @BestKickstarter, @TCFrose, @IndieFundIt, @crowdbuzz, @teamcrowdfund, @crowdfundingBB, @crowdfundnews, @crowdfundingpro, @crowdfundingdjo, @crowdfundblog, @crowdfundboss and @crowdcrux

Managing your social networks efficiently to help drive traffic and gain awareness for your crowdfunding project, on top of managing your campaign, can be a challenge. That is why the Enventys Partners team is here to help. As one of thetop agencies for crowdfunding campaigns and startups, we will use our experience, connections and know-how to best leverage your social media accounts to make your crowdfunding campaign a success. Contact the Enventys Partners team today!

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