Request a Speaker

Our team is passionate about helping inventors, innovators and product companies bring their ideas to life and sell product online. Whether your local organization or meet-up group is looking for a speaker, you’d like someone to speak to your college class or lead up workshop, or you’re in need of a keynote presentation for your conference, we’d love the opportunity to share our passion, experiences and insight.
We’ve received your speaking request and will contact you soon. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

Here’s a few things you can do now:

  • Check your email for a confirmation message from If you didn’t receive one, check your spam folder
  • Read our blog articles on product development, crowdfunding and eCommerce (some are included below)
  • Listen to our crowdfunding podcast, Art of The Kickstart to learn about selling goods via crowdfunding
  • Read our magazine, Inventors Digest and get inspired to invent.

How Can We Help?

Whether you need an all-encompassing strategy or assistance with a single service, we provide value for your new product launch. We offer crowdfunding, product development and digital marketing services, all under one roof.

Ready, Set, Launch

We truly shine when a client utilizes all three of our primary service offerings. Having one place to develop, launch and market your consumer product concept helps leverage efforts, reduce costs and simplify the process.

Media Inquiries

From inventors to entrepreneurs to engineers, Enventys Partners’ team is comprised of established and respected thought leaders. If your publication is looking for an interview or your event needs a speaker, let us know.
